Cloud9 Art Deco
Original Art Deco Furniture
01257 473 688 · 07833 097 119

Original Art Deco Steamer Chair


Original Art Deco Steamer Chair
An original Art Deco Steamer Chair. This beautiful piece of furniture is believed to of been on the decks of a 1930’s ocean liner.  It is in good original condition and still folds flat if required. It can be set up in the chair or lounge position. As I am 6′ tall and 14 1/2 stone I have not tried it out but it certainly makes a great statement  piece. For more details please call 01257 473688.
Number of Pieces :
Year of Manufacture :
Item Ref :
Availability :
Out of Stock
Width :
21 inches
Height :
36 inches
Depth :
57 inches